Philosophical Approaches to Infinity: History, Ontology, Cosmology
Philosophical Approaches to Infinity: History, Ontology, Cosmology
Fourth Annual Symposium
Philosophical Approaches to Infinity: History, Ontology, Cosmology

April 26, 2019 | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Humanities Gateway 1010

The aim of this one-day symposium is to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, largely from UCI, but also from off campus, to explore the philosophical issues associated with the concept of infinity in these diverse areas. We will have a dialogue between historians of philosophy, continental philosophers, philosophers and historians of science, literary scholars, and a scholar of science and religion. We have chosen the concept of infinity because of its significance in the formation of the Western modern vision of the world, its significance in contemporary (French) philosophy, and its significance and re-conceptualization in contemporary physics and philosophy of science.

Peter Frei (European Languages and Studies, UCI) on infinity and Renaissance hermeneutics

Catherine Malabou (Philosophy, Kingston University; European Languages and Studies, UCI) on Descartes and Pascal

Kenneth Reinhard (English and Comparative Literature, UCLA) on Badiou

Mary-Jane Rubenstein (Religious Studies, Wesleyan) on God and the multiverse

Gabriele Schwab (Comparative Literature, UCI) on nuclear temporality

John H. Smith (European Languages and Studies, UCI) on the infinitesimal psycho-physical difference

James Weatherall (Philosophy and Logic of Science, UCI) on infinities space in General Relativity and cosmology
Event Schedule

This is the fourth in a series of workshops that have been organized every spring by the Department of European Languages and Studies with the presence on campus of Professor Catherine Malabou.